Hey Ladies, do you feel like you really have your life together when your bra matches your underwear? I mean come on, let's be real, that shit only happens on special occasions! (hence the picture to the left, I'm cracking myself and Addi up!)
But oh, I do love how I feel when I have on matching underwear, like I'm taking extra special care of myself, like I have an awesome secret. Oh and when I wear big earrings handmade by @shopkaratcake.com, I mean I'm feeling empowered and loved! So what are some other ways we can really love up on ourselves this season? I've put together a Yogi Self Care Advent Calendar I'd love to share with you. What if you take yourself on a date or dance to a bad ass soundtrack in you living room? I know, I know, one more thing. But listen, ladies, no pressure. Do one or all of the suggested activities. Do them in order or pick and choose. Only do the ones on the weekends. WHATEVER WORKS FOR YOU! Here's a little preview......
Interested? Want more? If you are part of my fabulous community of women and you already get my newsletter, the full calendar is coming to you this week, with links, playlists, tips and lots of extras! It's going to be fun! If your not already getting my newsletters, sign up below and check your email, I'd love to send it out to you too!
Are you over forty and fabulous? Get my newsletter.Want to get yoga practices and movement ideas specifically for women like you? Want to feel empowered? Want ideas to help you reconnect with our inner goddess, confidence and sass? I got you, soul sister! I'll send them straight to your inbox. Drop your email below. Thank you!You have successfully joined our subscriber list.
Soul Sisters! I love the holidays and all that it entails. However, I don't know about you but the holidays wear me out ( and I don't even have littles)! I have a minimum of one meltdown which includes a ridiculous amount of uncontrollable crying and biting someone's head off and I look like something the Grinch dragged in in all the family photos. Do you feel me? But no more! This year, I'm reclaiming my joy and presence! We can do it, girls! Let's take our yoga practice off my mat, into our daily life.
Who's with me? First, I'm shutting down the damn Pinterest perfect ideal of Christmas. I just can't do five garlands twisted together, fifteen themed Christmas Trees, handmade soaps as gifts and the braided Yule bread! Seriously, I can't. So, I'm not. I'm saying "no". Instead, I'm ordering pies from a local bakery, buying small gifts from local artisans and 2 Christmas trees max. Girlfriend, you can do this too. Disconnect the Pinterest App on your phone and stop following those influencers on Instagram. JOY! Next, I'm going to commit to a daily "Me" practice. Now friend, I know, the schedule is crazy, the kids are being boogers and you don't remember if you showered, but hear me out! We are going for QUALITY OVER QUANTITY here. What will fit in the day? Five minutes? Perfect. Fifteen minutes? Perfect. Let's not even consider more than that. Here are some of my favorite Yoga quickies: Coffee Meditation: pour your cup, shut your eyes and take five deep breathes of that beautiful aroma, feel the warmth in your hands, take a slow sip. Mountain Pose: you can do this anywhere, but I love stepping outside, taking off my shoes and standing in the grass. Find your feet and take five deep breaths. Heck, do it while the tea or coffee is brewing or your standing in line at Target. Morning or Evening Stretches: before you get out of bed or when you first lay down. Sit on the edge of you bed and lean your ear over each shoulder, take a side bend on each side and a gentle seated twist. Then lie down, then a figure four on each side and windshield wiper knees. End with five deep breaths. In the morning, maybe your reverse the sequence. Joy! Lastly, I'm going to practice this idea from Jen Sincero, author of " You Are a Bad Ass Every Day", each morning. Because I am and you are! I will look around me, and notice five things in my surroundings that bring me joy that I have never paid much attention to. I'll stretch myself to notice how staggeringly abundant my Universe is by looking beyond what I usually see. I'm not gonna write them down or journal about it, because frankly that just stresses me out more. Instead I'll just notice and bask in my gratitude. Joy!
Want more ideas for bringing joy and presence to your Holiday? I'm sending out a Yogi Advent Calendar to my subscribers! Sign up for my newsletter below! Don't miss out!
Are you over forty and fabulous?Want to get yoga practices and movement ideas specifically for women like you? Want to feel empowered? Want ideas to help you reconnect with our inner goddess, confidence and sass? I got you, soul sister! I'll send them straight to your inbox. Drop your email below. Thank you!You have successfully joined our subscriber list. Ladies, it’s time to create our Christmas Wish List! Now I don't know about you, but I love to gift myself. I also like to arm my hubby with my wish list, so you know, I don't get a blender. Or maybe you have a yogi on your list. :) Here are my faves!
![]() So there you have it! Some of my Yoga faves that will make the Yogi on your Christmas list very happy. Click the QR code to go to my Amazon list. Follow me on Instagram I'm giving away some resistance bands this week! Until next time! Shine On! Lisa ![]() Friends, I don't know about you but there is a teeny tiny muscle in my butt that gives me fits; the piriformis. It attaches at your low spine, runs diagonally through your butt and attaches at your femur ( top of your leg). It's job is to help your hips rotate and your leg and foot turn outward. Think, Tree pose, Warrior 2. But it is often a bitch, because the large sciatic nerve runs through it. And it is often irritated, inflamed or tight due to injury, because well, you've been moving through life and the body keeps score. Strengthening (last weeks article) and stretching are the key if you want to get some relief. Two of my favorite stretches are Figure Four and Pyramid pose. Do them on each side and you want to hold about 30 seconds. I do them daily. Until next time, Shine On, Sister!
Girlfriend! Is your butt droopy? or as you've gotten older have you lost it? or if your like me, it's got bigger but lord, not stronger! And what about low back and hip pain after sitting or standing for a while? I mean we can't all have a Kim K booty or gorgeous, voluptuous Lizzo ass but hey we can all feel "Good as Hell!"(Stop right now and sing along!) with the butt we have! First, many of us can thank our kids for our mom butts! I mean we love 'em, but pregnancy can wreak havoc on our bodies. When we carry or sweet babes, our abdominals aren't as supportive as they once were and we start gripping our butt under to stay stable (not your fault, it's what our beautiful bodies do). This continues postpartum and imbalances are created. I've been doing it for 29 years!!
I'm always posting ideas on my FB and Instagram pages. Click below for more!
P.S. I'd love to be tagged in your posts too! |
AuthorRegistered Yoga Teacher, Menopause Doula, health and wellness explorer, self care expert focused on empowering women over forty with tools for loving the midlife journey Archives
January 2025
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